Hazardous Waste Transportation and Disposal

Subject: Hazardous Waste Transportation and Disposal
Solicitation Number: N0025324Q0004
Notice Type: SOLICIT
NAICS: 562211
Notice Published: 05-14-24
Response Due: 05-22-24

Agency: Department of the Navy
Contact: Jessica Reichard This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Address: KEYPORT, WA 98345-7610
Place of Performance: JBPHH, HI 96860

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        04-16-24 SOLICIT

        04-10-24 SOLICIT

Click for official SAM (FBO) notice, additional information, and accompanying attachments

Update on 14 May 2024: RFQ amendment added via notice attachment "N0025324Q0004-0007". Note to offerors: The conformed copy is provided for informational purposes and a signed copy of the conformed solicitation document is not required. Only signed copies of the amendments are required.  Update on 01 May 2024: RFQ amendment added via notice attachment "N0025324Q0004-0006". Update on 29 April 2024:  RFQ Amendment added via notice attachment "N0025324Q0004-0005". Update on 26 April 2024:  RFQ Amendment added via notice attachment "N0025324Q0004-0004". HAZARDOUS WASTE PICKUP, TRANSPORT, AND DISPOSAL Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Keyport is solicitating for commercial service to pick up, transport, and dispose of liquid and solid Otto Fuel II Hazardous Waste in accordance with the performance work statement. Under FAR Parts 12 and 13.5, and utilizing the lowest price technically acceptable source selection process, the Government anticipates awarding a contract with line items for: Five year ordering period Transportation costs Demurrage costs CDRLs The solicitation number for this requirement is N0025324Q0004.  Offers shall be FOB Destination.  The target contract award date is 30 July 2024.  The proposed contract type is Firm-Fixed-Price Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity.  This requirement will be solicited on a full and open competition basis. The applicable NAICS code for this requirement is 562211, Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal.  The primary Product Service Code is F108, Environmental Systems Protection – Environmental Remediation (Hazardous Substance Removal, Cleanup, and Disposal Services and Operational Support). No bidders list will be maintained by the Government office.  No telephone or fax requests for the solicitation package will be accepted.  Failure to respond to the electronically posted solicitation and associated amendments prior to the date and time set for receipt of offers may render the offer non-responsive and result in rejection of same. This requirement was previously synopsized from 16 November 2023 through 15 January 2024, without a resulting solicitation notice. Proposals shall be submitted electronically via email to the point of contact identified in the solicitation notice.  Offerors will be responsible for downloading the solicitation from www.Sam.Gov and frequently monitoring the website for any amendments to the solicitation. Per DFARS 252.024-7019, Notice of NIST SP 800-171 DoD Assessment Requirements, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-171 applies to this procurement.  The Offeror shall have a current (not more than 3 years old), minimum Confidence Level assessment of “BASIC” as identified in the NIST SP 800-171 Assessment Report within the Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS).  The Basic, Medium and High NIST SP 800-171 DoD Assessments are described in the NIST SP 800-171 DoD Assessment Methodology located at https://www.acq.osd.mil/asda/dpc/cp/cyber/safeguarding.html    Guidance regarding the NIST SP 800-171 DoD Assessments can be found at https://www.sprs.csd.disa.mil/.  The Government will not extend or delay the procurement for pending Contractor NIST SP 800-171 assessments. ***In order to be deemed responsive, the solicitation document must be filled-in on all clauses and completed in full. Evaluation Criteria and Proposal Submittal Requirements can be found in the M-215-H004 clause.*** Provisions and Clauses in effect through the latest Federal Acquisition Circulars are inlcuded in the solicitation. To access the clauses/provisions to be compoleted, download the Federal Acquisition Regulations at http://acquisition.gov/far/. You can download the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFARS) at http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/dfarspgi/current/index.html. The offeror must have a current registration and completed representations and certifications in the System for Award Managment (SAM) at website https://sam.gov/ (a federal government owned website).